<正> 《大学英语教程》中有这样一首小诗: When the wind is in the East, It’s good for neither man nor beast; When the wind is in the North, The fisher goes not forth; When the wind is in the South, It blows the bait in the fish’s mouth; When the wind is in the West, Then it’s at its very best.试译:东风瑟瑟起,不见万物喜; 朔风迎面来,渔夫即徘徊; 南风慢悠悠,鱼儿自上钩; 西风喜相迎,正值好光景。这首诗中对东西风的感受与我国不同,众所周知,英国四面环海,冬秋季节常刮来自欧洲大陆的干冷的东风,而西风则从大西洋洋