The distribution of nutrient was different for different dominant plant species in C.lasiocarpa wetland ecosystem.The distribution of nutrient was also different for different plant components in Carex lasiocarpa.The gross nutrient element distribution for N,P,K,Ca,Mg,Cu and Fe in C.lasiocarpa was in order of:redicula>rhizoma>spike>blade>sheath>inflorescence.But this rule for the gross nutrient element distribution of Zn and Mn was not obvious.The seasonal dynamic trends of nutrient element contents in dead stand were decreaseing.The liberation of general elements N,P,K and microelement Mn were continuous,and with monotone downtrend;the liberation rate of microelement Cu,Zn,Fe were faster than other elemnts,while the trend for Ca was all through incremental.There were different degrees of correlativity among different nutrient elements in C. Lasiocarpa.