Objective To discuss status quo of twice supplying water for high building and validateantisepsis effect of MF - 2 disinfector. Methods By field test and searching reference, discussing thequestions of above - describe. According to state prescriptive method for disinfecting drinking water, vali-dating the antisepsis effect of disinfecting twice supplying water. Results Currently, establishment fortwice supplying water and the quality of the supplying water has some questions. According to the qualityof twice supplying water, acceding to some MF - 2 disinfector to disinfect, it will achieve the standard ofdrinking water. Conclusion Circumstance management department and sanitation supervise departmentshould smeliorate and manage the quality of twice supplying water, and insure the safety of using drinkingwater. So MF - 2 disinfector may replace contain chlorin disinfector to disinfect twice supplying water.