Objective To study the clinical value for breast cancer by combining testing the serumexpression levels of CA15-3and Tissue polypeptide specific antigen(TPS).Methods CA15-3 and TPS inserum sample of 92 cases of patients with breast cancer were analysed by using ELISA in two weeks beforeand after treatment of operation and drugs. Results The values of CA15 ~ 3 and TPS in serum were highersignificanec in patients with breast cancer than those in the control group of healthy subjects and breastbenign diseases goup(P < 0.01). Expression levels of CA15~3 in serum were significance increased with TNM staging and TPS with clinical one to two stage. The serum levels of CA15- 3 and TPS in the breastcancer patients with treatment of surgery were markly decreased in two weeks after operation(P < 0.01 )and no changed in the patients without operation whose condition was stable and it was significantly in-creased the patients with progressive and relapse especially TPS. Conelusion CA15 ~ 3 and TPS can beused as useful tumor markers of breast cancer in diagnosis of early stage, evaluating of therapeutic effect,assessing the prognosis of the disease, and it is highly usefulin monitoring recurrences of breast cancer, es-pecially dynamic detection.