The proton and neutron 1S0 pairing gaps in 13-stable neutron star matter have been studied by using the isospin dependent Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach and the BCS theory. We have concentrated on investigating and discussing the effect of three-body force. In Fig.1 is plotted the predicted neutron energy gap in the ^1S0 channel as a function of the total baryon density pB. The solid curve is obtained using the AVis interaction plus the three-body force. The dash curve is calculated by adopting the pure AVis two-body potential It isseen that the three-body force effect is quiet small, i.e., quasr negligible at relatively low density and a plight suppression as increasing density. In Fig.2 is reported the proton ^1S0 energy gap in β-stable matter. The solid curve is predicted by using the AVis plus the three-body force, the dash one by using purely the AV18 two-body force.