<正>In 2004, the HIRFL accelerator complex was fully in operation after the shut-down for upgrading. A series measurements and tests indicate that the new rebuncher has achieved the designed requirements. The preliminary test demonstrates that the beam intensity of SSC for energy less than 30 MeV/u could be improved by a factor two with the rebuncher, but for the higher energy beam the enhancement of the beam intensity is smaller due to not enough bunching voltage. The renovation of about 300 sets of power supplies at the HIRFL has been completed. A high stability of 5×10-6 for the main power supplies of SSC was reached. To deliver a more intense pulsed beam, a chopper (pulse width 1-18 ms, pulse period 4.75-17 s) designed particularly for the CSR injection was used at the axial injection beam line of SFC. The maximum beam intensity of 13 eμA for 7 MeV/u 12C+4 was obtained.