AIM: To study the changes of phospholipase D (PLD) activity of actively sensitized rat peritoneal mast cells (RPMC) in degranulation. METHODS: Degranulation of RPMC was determined by measurement of β-hexosaminidase release. PLD activity assay was carried out by measurement of PLD product, choline, with chemiluminescent oxidation of luminol. RESULTS: Actively sensitized RPMC challenged with ovalbumin (0.5-8 mg/L for 120 s, 4 mg/L for 15-120 s) resulted in significant activation of PLD accompanied with the increment of β-hexosaminidase release. PLD activity of sensitized RPMC was increased by more than 2-fold compared with that of unsensitized RPMC which contained low levels of PLD activity [(35+ 13) pmol choline/min in 1 x 106cells], but β-hexosaminidase releases of the sensitized cells were as low as spontaneous releases. After challenge with ovalbumin 4 mg/L for 120 s, PLD activity of sensitized RPMC was increased to (155+43) pmol choline/min in lx 106cells and β-hexosaminidase release was also elevated significantly (4.5-fold of spontaneous release, n=6, P<0.05). When unsensitized RPMC were stimulated with antigen, PLD activity and β-hexosaminidase release of the cells were hardly changed.Sensitized RPMC were treated with 1% 1-butanol or 2,3- disphosphoglycerate l0 mmol/L before challenge with ovalbumin, these drugs induced an inhibition of PLD activity and a reduction of β-hexosaminidase release to basal level. 1-Butanol 0.1% also worked. CONCLUSION: Phospholipase D plays an important role in the regulation of β-hexosaminidase release in actively sensitized rat peritoneal mast cells.