[篇名] A case study on energy saving and new energy services in Japan, [篇名] A linear dynamic model for asynchronous wind turbines with mechanical fluctuations, [篇名] A method of tracking the peak power points for a variable speed wind energy conversion system, [篇名] A new model for short-term wind electric power forecasting, [篇名] A new simulation platform to model, optimize and design wind turbines, [篇名 ] A New Vertical Axis Wind Rotor using Convergent Nozzles, [ 篇名 ] A Novel Doubly-fed Induction Wind Generato Control Scheme for Reactive Power Control and Torque Pulsation Compensation Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions, [ 篇名 ] A review on recent advances on wind energy system, [ 篇名 ] A Sensorless Integrated Doubly-Fed Electric Alternator/Active Filter (IDEA) for Variable Speed Wind Energy System, [ 篇名 ] A Simple Maximum Power Point Tracker for Grid connected Variablc Spccd Wind Energy Convcrsion System with Reduced Switch Count Power Converters, [ 篇名] A STOCHASTIC MARKOV CHAIN MODEL FOR SIMULATING WIND SPEED TIME SERIES at Tangiers, MOROCCO, [ 篇名 ] A switched reluctance wind power generator with the excitation of low voltage, [篇名] A technology assessment system of the alternative energy sources (sun and wind) for rural communities in Mexico, [ 篇名 ] A virtual instrument for automatic anemometer calibration with ANN based supervision.