[ 篇名] A Comparison of Electricity Generation from Combustion and IGCC Plants Using Wood Feedstock, [篇名 ] A process workbench for virtual simulation of vision 21 energyplex systems, [ 篇名 ]Calpine sees coal-based IGCC plants generating power for S40 per MWh, [ 篇名 ] Characteristics and economic evaluation of CO{sub}2-capturing power generation systems using solar thermal energy and gasified coal, [ 篇名 ] Coal-based domestic fuels for energy security, [ 篇名 ] Combined Gasification of Coal and Straw, [篇名 ] Design of large-scale air separation turbomachincry units, [ 篇名 ] Development of the gasifier for high efficient IGCC, [ 篇名 ] FutureGen IGCC to convert coal into hydrogen and electric power, [ 篇名 ] IGCC focused on F-class turbine technology and CO{sub}2 sequestration.