BACKGROUND day there is some evidence-based medicine support for a positive shortterm treatment effect of fusion in chronic low back pain in spondylolisthesis and in nonspecific degenerative lumbar spine disorders. The long-term effect is, however, unknown. PURPOSE: To determine the long-term outcome of lumbar fusion in adult isthmic spondylolisthesis. STUDY DESIGN:Prospective, randomized controlled study comparing a 1-year exercise program with instrumented and non-instrumented posterolateral fusion with average long-term follow-up of 9 years (range, 5-13).PATIENT SAMPLE: 111 patients aged 18 to 55 years with adult lumbar isthmic spondylolisthesis at L5 or L4 level of all degrees, and at least 1-year's duration of severe lumbar pain with or without sciatica.