【正】At the invitation of the Poland-China Friendship Association (PCFA), President Chen Haosu, heading the CPAFFC Delegation, paid a visit to Poland from February 21 to 27 and attended the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the PCFA. During the visit, President Chen Haosu met with Adam Szejnfeld, secretary of state of the Ministry of Economy, Ryszard Schnepf, deputy minister of foreign affairs, and Alicja Olechowska, vice chairperson of the Poland-China Friendship Group in Parliament, and had talks with governors of the provinces of Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Gdansk-Pomorskie, and mayor of Torun City. He also met with presidents of the Poland-East Cooperation Association, the Polish Esperanto Association, the Polish Men of Letters Association, and the chairman of Adam Marszalek Publishing House. PCFA President Zdzislaw Goralczyk accompanied the delegation all through their visit in Poland.