Hormones and sport: physiology, pharmacology & forensic science
Hormones and sport: physiology, pharmacology & forensic science
Sport is probably the most ubiquitous voluntary human social activity. Defined as the playing of competitive games according to rules, sport forms a microcosm of human society that combines playfulness ("homo ludens"),healthfulness, competitiveness and showiness into a rich amalgam that illustrates the best and worst (with much in between) about organized human social activities. It ranges widely to celebrate achievement in fame and fortune through competitive success and co-operative efforts, to foster socialization by the bonding experiences of team-spirit in childhood and youth, to providing the most popular mass entertainment and to create vignettes of the worst excesses of human avarice, cheating and violence. Sport also ranges from the lows of defeat and disappointment, to the highs of a "personal best" that is within anyone's reach and to the most profound accomplishments of world records; from the most solitary of personal struggles to the most public of popular entertainment. A modern version of Shakespeare's "all the world's a stage" might nowadays be recast more widely as "all the world's a stadium".