Some physical and chemical properties, mineral content and fatty acid compositions of kernel and oils of several walnut types (Büyük Oba, Kaman2, Kaman5) were determined. The oil yields from these kernels changed between 61.4% to 72.8%. The crude fibre contents of ker nels ranged between 3.77% and 3.80%. In add ition, crude protein contents of kernels ranged between 7.05% and 8.10%. While the peroxide values of kernel oils change between 3.18 meq/ Kg and 3.53 meq/Kg, acidity values ranged be tween 0.35% and 0.56%. The main fatty acids of walnut kernel oils were oleic, linoleic, linolenic and palmitic acids. Linoleic acid contents of ker nel oils varied between 49.7% and 55.5%. On the other hand, oleic acid contents ranged between 20.5% and 26.4%. As a result, the present study showed the walnut kernels of the researched species of walnut kernels from Turkey are a potential source of valuable oil which might be used for edible and other industrial applica tions.