Over the last years, technology evolution is leading the way towards autonomous, ubiquitous and widespread interactions among small computing devices. To this aim, communication technologies that support dynamicity and mobility and work on inexpensive small devices have attracted much attention. The Bluetooth speci?cation particularly ?ts this idea, providing a free, versatile, and ?exible wireless network technology with low power consumption. On the other hand, as the degree of penetration of computational services has increased in everyday life, users’ habits have deeply changed, resulting into an increasing request for mobile and ubiquitous services. In a few years, most of the devices accessing the web services will be mobile. Therefore, we need solutions that encompass networking and application issues involved in realizing mobile and ubiquitous access to the services. In this paper, we analyze how Bluetooth can be used to design, develop, and deploy Web Services-based applications that run on mobile devices. We propose and evaluate a framework that allows the interaction with Web Services from mobile devices using Bluetooth as communication channel.