Having outlined evolution and tour value of Dragon Back Terraces in Longsheng County,Guilin,the author puts forward following proposals for tour development in policy-making:(1) With improving the villages of the Minority community,to set up ecological museums in which the cultures of Minority are preserved,the primitive local "live humanity heritages" are shown as the key display on the basis of typical agricultural complex ecological system;(2) To encourage the citizens of the community to participate in the tour industry development,including the participation both in the decision-making in tour planning and preservation of the terrace agricultural civilization heritages as well as the allocation of the income of the local tour industry;(3)To promote the mutual development of both folkways and sightseeing tour,to enhance the exploitation of the present natural scenic and historical landscapes through the making full advantages of the present tour market.The Dragon Back Terraces are characterized by the important tour values,including the rich and colorful natural landscapes,typical complex agricultural ecological system,and the combination of the Minority folkways and agricultural civilization.