BACKGROUND: Lidocaine can promote the apoptosis of eosinophils, which is normallydelayed by IL-5; it has a good effect on serious steroid resistant asthma (SRA). The study aimed toexplore the effect of nebulized lidocaine inhalation on asthma.METHODS: It was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled and prospective study. A totalof 36 patients with acute asthma were divided into groups A1, A2, B1 and B2, with 9 patients in eachgroup. The patients of groups A1 and A2 had steroid resistant asthma (SRA) and those of groups B1and B2 had steroid sensitive asthma (SSA). Patients in groups A2 and B1 were administered nebulizedlidocaine in addition to routine treatment, while patients in groups A1 and B2 were given nebulizednormal saline apart from routine treatment and served as placebo-controlled groups.RESULTS: There were signifi cant differences in heart rate, respiratory rate, and peak fi ow rate andforced expiratory volume in one second between the experimental groups and the placebo-controlledgroups. There was no signifi cant difference between groups A2 and B1, and between A1 and B2.CONCLUSION: Inhaled lidocaine is benefi cial to asthma patients, especially those with steroid-resistant asthma.