Concept and significance of eco-agricultural tourism was introduced, SWOT Analysis was applied to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of eco-agricultural tourism development in Zhenjiang. Its strengths were concluded as excellent natural conditions, diversified species, abundant eco-agricultural tourism resources, advantageous location; weaknesses as low development level, serious homogeneity of products, low technical level of peasants, lack of management staff and technician, seriously degraded eco-environment; opportunities as preferential policies, joint development of "Ningbo-Zhenjiang-Yangzhou" Tourist Zone; threats as backward concepts and non-standard management order. Through fully analyzing development strategies of its eco-agricultural tourism, it was stressed that present industrial structure should be adjusted, environment protected; scientific planning, functional division and government supervision enhanced; combined advantages of natural resources integrated to promote the sustainable development of agro-tourism; eco-agricultural resources well planned, new ideas introduced in the design of tourist products.