By analyzing the role of public art in the construction and development of urban landscape, the concept of public art and its regional meaning are analyzed, the relation between public art and city sculpture is explained, it is pointed out that city sculpture could enhance the landscape of urban space and enrich public art. The functions of city sculpture are expounded in details, including guiding spatial communication, creating the sociality of humanistic environment, and communicating space with human. With the design of city sculpture at the entrance of Xiasi County in Southeast part of Guizhou Province for example, its location and status are analyzed, highlighting its special location advantages as well as the historical business climate, the sculpture integrates the ancient corn which represents commercial culture with butterfly which embodies the totem of Miao nationalities in Southeast Guizhou Province, therefore brings both the visual impact and culture features. Here the significance of regional city sculpture is summarized, it is emphasized that the city sculpture is the material carrier of city culture, the cultural source of original design elements and the concrete manifestation of regional spirit.