Characterization of small RNAs from Ulva prolifera by high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analysis
Characterization of small RNAs from Ulva prolifera by high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics analysis
The seaweed Ulva prolifera exists in 2 different states; attached to rocks or free-floating. However, there is little difference between the structures of the 2 states. U. prolifera thalli show significant differences in growth rate, with the attached thalli growing at a normal rate and free-floating thalli growing at a much faster rate. This raised the possibility that the growth of the two states may be regulated differently. miRNAs are important post-transcriptional regulators. In higher plants and animals, miRNAs have been extensively studied but they have been rarely studied in algae. To identify U. prolifera miRNAs and to investigate their possible roles in proliferation, we constructed and sequenced small RNA (sRNA) libraries from U. prolifera. Our results show that U. prolifera has a complex small RNA system that might play important roles in various processes.