Estimating the outgoing longwave radiation from the FY-3B satellite visible infrared radiometer Channel 5 radiance observations
Estimating the outgoing longwave radiation from the FY-3B satellite visible infrared radiometer Channel 5 radiance observations
Based on the infrared radiation transfer model, the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and Channel 5 radiance of Fengyun-3B (FY-3B) satellite visible infrared radiometer (VIRR) were simulated for 3812 global soundings. Using regression analysis of the simulations, an inverse model, which connected the flux equivalent brightness temperature with the channel brightness temperature, was derived. By applying the model to the FY-3B VIRR L1 data, the global OLR data at the time of the passing of the FY-3B were processed. The quality of the data was validated by comparing it with that of the NOAA-18 satellite's advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR). The validation results show root mean square errors in the range 10-13 W/M 2 when comparing the daily average OLR of the VIRR with that of the NOAA-18 AVHRR, and the correlation coefficients were in the range 0.97-0.98. The larger RMSE is mainly due to the different passing times of the two satellites for the specific locations on the Earth. An example of the OLR data and its preliminary applications are given.