Through analyzing geographical positions,Fengshui terrains and remained plants of Longweishan Cemetery in Linqing City,planning and design concepts for the landscaping and sustainable development of cemeteries were proposed.Considering actual terrains of the cemetery and Fengshui doctrines,the overall layout of "solemn paths,definite division,combination of in-motion and inposition scenery,clear axes,winding water systems and serene ring roads" was formed.The cemetery has 6 functional areas:entrance path area,landscape area,tombs,reception area,flower cultivation area and parking lot,which are able to satisfy multiple functions such as commemoration,education,sightseeing and services.By unifying architectural styles in the cemetery,constructing landscaping,water and road systems,a coordinated and unified cemetery layout will be formed.Analysis of the planning of Longweishan Cemetery is of realistic significance for the landscaping of modern urban cemeteries.