【正】1基本信息期刊名称:Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science(CJLIS)创刊时间:2008年主管单位:中国科学院主办单位:中国科学院国家科学图书馆(即中国科学院文献情报中心)出版单位:《中国文献情报》(英文刊)编辑部主编:张晓林教授(中国科学院国家科学图书馆馆长)刊号:ISSN 1674-3393;CN 115670/G2每期定价:国内:200元/期(800元/年、卷);国际:199美元/年、卷(含邮资)104CJLIS Vol.5 No.4,2012pp 104–104National Science Library,Chinese Academy of Sciences Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science Vol.5 No.4,2012Subscription http://www.chinalibraries.net Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science(CJLIS,Chinese Title:《中国文献情报》)ISSN 1674-3393,CN 11570/G2;Price:$US 199/Volume Chinese Journal of Library and Information Science(CJLIS)is the first and only Englishlanguage academic journal in the field of Library and Information Science(LIS)that has been published in Mainland China so far.It aims to establish a platform for students,researchers and professionals in LIS and archive science to engage in intellectual dialogs and to share best professional practices of their experience.CJLIS adopts a double-blind peer-review process for each published article.The Editorial Board of CJLIS is composed of well-known scholars both from national and international LIS fields.The main aim of CJLIS is to serve librarians,information professionals,researchers and practitioners in the LIS field for their various purposes and keep them well informed of the latest development of LIS field both in China and the world.CJLIS mainly publishes original research articles,including research papers,library practice papers,progress reports,research reviews and perspectives.For subscription,you can use the following channels:1)Via EBSCO International,Inc(USA)2)To order at any post office inside China,with a distribution code 82-563.3)To contact with the Editorial Office Address:No.33 Beisihuan Xilu,Zhongguancun,Haid