Spontaneous mixed woods in Nanjing Pearl Spring Scenic Area are messy in structure and simple in form,lack of layer and seasonable change,and poor in ornamental effect;hence,four renovation methods have been proposed.First,it is the renovation of both sides of roads,that is,the renovation of roadside trees and ornamental shrubs and ground covers at both sides of roads;second,it is the plants disposition on waterfront forest lands,that is,the cultivation of wet tolerating and ornamental trees,wet tolerating native trees,flowering or leaf-viewing ground covers and ferns in waterfront areas;third,it is the renovation of forest form of the offshore area,that is,retaining original key tree species and conducting proper adjustment according to landscape requirement and trees’ characters;forth,it is the renovation of distant forest form,that is,accelerating natural evolution by artificial measures based on current natural plants community.Finally,the development of Nanjing Pearl Spring Scenic Area has been predicted.