By taking Chongqing Nan Hot Spring Park as the research object,eight functional zones of the park has been selected as sampling spots,covering landscape facility zone at main entrance,garden zone at main entrance,lawn garden zone,river walking facility zone,activity landscape facility zone,natural garden zone,VILLA facility zone,and trees preservation zone which are recorded as LG1,LG2,LG3,LG4,LG5,LG6,LG7 and LG8,respectively.It has investigated soil pH,the content of B,Cu,Zn and Fe in soils of the eight sampling spots.The results show that soil pH of each spot is equal to or larger than 7.5,indicating that the soils are neutral and alkaline;available Cu,Zn and Fe are abundant while available B is insuff icient.In view of the actual situation of each spot,it has proposed ecological restoration based on soil improvement,so as to provide a reference for plants disposition,later maintenance and soil restoration in the park in the future.