Quantum mechanical and Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) calculations are carried out to study the thermal unimolecular decomposition of 2,5-dihydrofuran (1),2,5dihydrothiophene (2),and 3-pyrroline (3) at the MPW1PW91/6-31++G level of theory,and the results are in good agreement with the experimental values.The predicted high pressure limit rate constants (k(T)) in various states of activation energy and pre-exponential (S1:(A(calc.),E a(calc.)),S2:(A (calc.),E a(exp.)),and S3:(A (exp.),E a(calc.))) for the thermal decomposition processes 1-3 were evaluated.Also,the fall-off pressures (P1/2) for compounds 1-3 in the states 1-3 are found to be (1.24×10-2,1.09×10-3,and 4.19×10-2mmHg),(1.24×10-2,1.63×10-3,and 2.79×10-2mmHg),and (1.24×10-2,1.63×10-3,and 4.19×10-2 mmHg),respectively.As the fall-off pressure of thermal decomposition process of compounds 1-3 is in the following order:P1/2(3)〉 P1/2(1)〉 P1/2 (2),the decomposition rates are as below:rate(3) 〈rate(1)〈rate(2).