A stationary axially symmetric exterior electrovacuum solution of the Einstein-Maxwell field equations was obtained. An interior solution for rotating charged dust with vanishing Lorentz force was also obtained. The two spacetimes are separated by a boundary which is a surface layer with surface stress-energy tensor and surface electric 4-current. The layer is the spherical surface bounding the charged matter. It was further shown, that all the exterior physical quantities vanished at the asymptotic spatial infinity where spacetime was shown to be flat. There are two different sets of junction conditions: the electromagnetic junction conditions, which were expressed in the traditional 3-dimensional form of classical electromagnetic theory;and the considerably more complicated gravitational junction conditions. It was shown that both—the electromagnetic and gravitational junction conditions—were satisfied. The mass, charge and angular momentum were determined from the metric. Exact analytical formulae for the dipole moment and gyromagnetic ratio were also derived. The conditions, under which the latter formulae gave Blackett’s empirical result for rotating stars, were investigated.