Driven by the policy of "balancing urban and rural development", urbanization in China has been accelerated and agricultural population transferred to urban areas, which guarantees the improvement of life quality and living environment of rural and agricultural population. The urbanization has always been accompanied by national economic development and social progress, relocation and development of rural areas have become a social issue for a certain time. Therefore, it is imperative to explore a series of concrete, well-timed and practical measures for settling rural population, figure out proper modes, materials and methods for rural residence planning and construction under the new conditions, and provide relevant operation and theoretical support. Problems in mountainous rural areas of China were proposed as great population but limited land resources, backward construction techniques, and residences not valuing low carbon or environment protection. In view of these problems, construction techniques suitable for actual conditions of rural areas were explored, energy-saving building materials combined, the style of "dragon sucking water" for mountainous rural areas was proposed, design advantages and details of this architectural model were analyzed.