We studied the relationship between soil fertility indicator and angelica yield and quality by the methods of correlation analysis and path analysis. The results showed that, in Yunnan Province, the content of ferulic acid (major indicator of angelica quality) is 1.5-2.5 mg/g and single plant fresh weight (major indicator of yield) is 60-250 g. The content of angelica ferulic acid and angelica single plant fresh weight are positively correlated with the content of total N, quick-acting K, organic matter, whereas negatively correlated with the content of quick-acting P. It is shown that the most direct factor that influence the content of the angelica ferulic acid is the quick-acting K, and the least direct factor is organic matter; the most direct factor that influences the single plant fresh weight of angelica is the total N, while the least direct factor is the quick-acting P. In conclusion, the soil fertility indicators that have great influence on quality and yield of angelica are the quick-acting K, total N, quick-acting P and organic matter.