This paper presents the development of remotely operated Quadcopter system. The Quadcopter is controlled through a graphical user interface (GUI) where the communication between GUI and Quadcopter is constructed by using wireless communication system. The Quadcopter balancing condition is sensed by FY90 controller and IMU 5DOF sensor. For smooth landing, Quadcopter is equipped with ultrasonic sensor. All signals from sensors are processed by Arduino Uno microcontroller board and output from the Arduino Uno microcontroller board is implemented to control Quadcopter propellers. The GUI is designed using Visual Basic 2008 Express as interfacing communication between the Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controller and the Quadcopter system. The experiment shows that the Quadcopter system can hover while maintain it balancing and the stability is guaranteed. Moreover, the developed system is able to cope with load disturbance up to 250 gduring the hover position. Maximum operated time of Quadcopter is six minutes using 2200 mAh Lipo battery and operate time can be increased by using largest battery capacity.