This review and evaluation seeks to clarify the controversial origins of the Umbria-Latium Ultra-alkaline District (ULUD) and the Vulture carbonatitic occurrence (Intramontane Ultra-alkaline Province, IUP) and their relation to the Roman Comagmatic Province (RCP). Generally, the geochemical and isotopic features of the IUP can be linked to those of the RCP. Hence, the rocks of the ULUD district, together with part of the Tuscan and Roman Province generated in the last 2 Ma can be ascribed to a complex interplay of two subduction events related to magmatism associated with the European and Adria slabs associated with the effect of a slab window below the Italian Peninsular. Carbonate sediments together with pelagic-terrigenous sediment played a major role in the metasomatism of the mantle wedge beneath the IUP, and perhaps all along the transect from southern Italy (Eolian Islands magmatism) to north-central Italy (Tuscan and Umbria magmatism). A diffuse CO2 + H2O metasomatic front produced the condition necessary for the formation of carbonatitic magmatism. However, even where carbonatites are related to continental rift system (i.e., OIB), an origin for MORB-sediment convective recycling melting in the mantle has been hypothesized [i.e., 1].