A new universal multiple input multiple output (MIMO) type current-mode biquad employing two dual output current conveyors (DOCCII), one multiple output current controlled current amplifier (MOCCCA) and four passive grounded elements is proposed which can realize all the five basic filtering functions namely, low-pass (LP), high-pass (HP), band-pass (BP), band-stop (BR) and all-pass (AP) in current mode from the same configuration. The centre frequency can be set by the passive elements of the circuit and the quality factor Q0 is electronically tunable through bias currents of the MOCCCA. Therefore, the biquad filter has independent tenability for the and Q0. The active and passive sensitivities of Q0 and are low. The workability of the new configuration has been demonstrated by PSPICE simulation results based upon a CMOS CCII in0.35μm technology.