The electrical transport properties of (Ni0.8Nb0.2)100-xZrx (x = 30, 40 and 50) amorphous ribbons and hydrogen charged specimens were investigated. The amorphous ribbons indicated a negative coefficient in the temperature dependence of their electrical resistivity as well as the typical transport properties of the amorphous alloys with comparatively high values of electrical resistivity, ρ. The normalized temperature coefficient of the resistivity (TCR ≡ 1/ρ300K·dρ/dT) tended to increase with increasing x in the temperature range of 100-300 K. These behaviors would suggest that the transport properties of the present amorphous ribbons were governed by temperature variation of the Debye-Waller factor, not by electron-phonon scattering. The hydrogen charged ribbons obtained by an electrochemical method also showed similar electrical resistivity behaviors as a function of the temperature. However, TCR of x = 40 with hydrogen charged ribbon, in which the amount of absorbed hydrogen was about 14 at%, increased about three times more than that of the pre-charged amorphous ribbon.