Base on geological history evaluation using regional stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, magmatic activities, metamorphism and structural trend in Iran, physiographic-tectonic zoning map of Iran’s sedimentary basins has prepared. This map has prepared to point out the basement tectonics role in Iran. It contains twenty-four different provinces. Iran has composed from different plates: Arabian plate in south and west, Cimmerian manipulated in north and east, Eurasian plate in northeast margin. Cimmerian manipulated at least can be divided to the smaller part, East-Central Iran and North-Central Iran microcontinents. There are evidences for thick-skinned tectonics in the border zones of these plates and microcontinents, especially in Sanandaj-Sirjan overthrust belts that it formed by crustal stacking wedges. Also, Neoproterozoic-Phanerozoic Tectonic column in the Arabian, Cimmerian and Eurasian plates under Iran Country area have introduced.