AIM:To compare the long-term effectivity of intraoperative adjustable suture technique with traditional non-adjustable strabismus surgery.·METHODS:Two hundred and thirty-three patients,who underwent strabismus surgery either with traditional procedures or one-stage intraoperative adjustable suture technique,were included in our long-term follow-up study.One hundred and eighteen patients were evaluated in traditional surgery group(TSG) and 115 who underwent adjustable suture were in the one-stage intraoperative adjustable surgery group(ASG).In this group 9 patients had paralytic strabismus and 16 had reoperations,2 patients had restrictive strabismus related to thyroid eye disease.The mean follow up in the TSG was 26.2 months and it was 24.8 months in the ASG group.·RESULTS:In patients with exotropia(XT) the mean correction of deviation for near fixation in ASG(32.4 ±13.2PD) and in TSG(26.4±8.2PD) were similar(P =0.112).The correction for distant fixation in ASG(33.2±11.4PD)and TSG(30.9±7.2PD) were not significantly different(P =0.321).In patients with esotropia(ET) even the mean correction of deviation for both near(31 ±12PD) and distant(30.6±12.8PD) fixations were higher in ASG thanin TSG,for both near(28.27±14.2PD) and distant(28.9±12.9PD) fixations,the differences were not significant(P =0.346,0.824 respectively).The overall success rate of XT patient was 78.9% in TSG and 78.78% in ASG,the difference was not significant(P =0.629).The success rates were 78.75% in TSG and 75.51% in ASG in ET patient,which was also not significantly different(P =0.821).·CONCLUSION:Although patients in ASG had more complex deviation such as paralysis,reoperations and restrictive strabismus,success rates of this tecnique was as high as TSG which did not contain complicated deviation.One-stage intraoperative adjustable suture technique is a safe and effective method for cooperative patient who has complex deviation.