The performance of downlink multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) cellular networks is limited by co-channel interference (CCI). In this paper, we propose a linear precoding scheme based on signal-to-leakage-and-noise ratio (SLNR) criteria which can reduce the CCI significantly. Since each user’s SLNR value is corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the generalized matrix which indicates the channel quality that we propose a scheme to do a dynamic power allocation as an auxiliary way to improve SLNR precoding scheme. We use the perturbation theory to update each user’s SLNR value each time step in time-varying channels rather than directly decompose the channel matrix so as to reduce the amount of calculation. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme offers about 0.3 bps/Hz additional capacity gain and 0.5 dB BER gain over conventional SLNR precoding method with lower computational complexity. And it also obtains about 0.5 bps/Hz additional capacity gain and 1 dB BER gain compared to the scheme only update the preceding vectors.