The study examines the impact of variability in rainfall characteristics on maize yield in a tropical setting. The study design involves the collection and analyses of data on rainfall characteristics and maize yield at Gboko LGA in Benue State, Nigeria. The methodology adopted is the use of archival data on rainfall and maize yield for 30 years, collected from the Agro-Meteorological Unit and Farm Department of Akperan Orshi College of Agriculture, Yandev (AOCAY). The data was analyzed using mean, correlation and regression analysis to establish cause and effect relationship between rainfall characteristics and maize yield at the study area. The result of the correlation analysis showed that rain days and rainfall amount had strong positive relationship (r = 0.747 and r = 0.599, respectively) with maize yield. It was also observed that the rainfall characteristics jointly contributed 67.4% in explaining the variations in the yield of maize per hectare. The study concludes with the development of a model for predicting maize yield in Gboko LGA. The study also recommended the application of irrigation technology, use of appropriate management practices that ensured moisture conservation and improved crop species with shorter growing periods/less moisture consumption as adaptive measures to the changing rainfall pattern within the study area.