It has been indicated that relational logic may serve as the common foundation of quantum mechanics and string theory. A relation may be represented by a spinor and the Cartan-Penrose connection of spinor to geometry, allows to abstract geometry as the outcome of entangled relations-spinors. Our approach goes in parallel with Wheeler’s pregeometry, where pregeometry, the stage preceding geometry, is based on a calculus of relations-propositions. With a single spinor related to the null cone of Minkowski space-time, we search for the geometry when we couple a left-handed spinor and a right-handed spinor. We find that a Majorana-type coupling gives rise to the ordinary entanglement, while a Diractype coupling generates an extra dimension with two branes coexisting in the extra dimension. One brane hosts lefthanded particles (our brane), while the other brane hosts right-handed particles. A distinct phenomenology accompanies our proposal. The left-right symmetry is achieved with having two “mirror” branes and the neutrino appears as the ideal mediator between the branes. We may revisit also the dark matter, dark energy issues, with everything on the other brane and in the bulk appearing “dark” to us. During the brane collision all points are causally connected, making less pressing the inflationary scenario. Our scheme brings closer logic—quantum theory—cosmology, while space-time, rather than an abstract and an a priori construction, appears as the outcome of a quantum logical act.