This paper proposes a mathematical formalism for describing the machinery of human mind creativity. Since some functions of mind support discreteness of cognition, but others support its continuity, while time in physics is always continuous, an attempt to overcome the continuous/discrete duality of mind performance is implemented via utilization of special critical points: terminal attractors and repellers that act as autonomous biological clock. In this paper, attention is concentrated upon the discrete mode of the mind activity since the continuous mode was introduced and discussed in details in our previous publications. The fundamental novelty of the model is in its capability to move from disorder to order without external inputs in violation of the second law of thermodynamics;that suggests that this kind of dynamics requires extension of modern physics to include physics of life. Conceptually the discrete model links to its continuous version represented by a hypothetical particle of life that is briefly discussed prior to derivation of the discrete model. However, the discrete model should be considered as the next step in study of mind dynamics since it provides a bridge to mathematical origin of self-generated novelties in such brunches as mathematical logic and linguistic, i.e. the highest level activities of human mind. The proposed model deals with rules of mind activity rather than with its content.