Most of past researches on the skid resistance/road wetness relationship deal with thick water depths (〉 1 mm). Questions remain as to the variation of skid resistance with thin water films and the transition between the dry state and the so-called "damp" or "humid" state at which the skid resistance drop can be as high as 30%-40%. This paper deals with a theoretical and experimental assessment of the friction-water depth relationship. The main objective is to estimate local water depths trapped between the tire and the road asperities and to define a so-called "critical" water depth which can be used to detect risky situations for road users. Tests are performed in laboratory. It was found that the friction-water depth curves have an inverse-S shape and present an initial constant-friction part before decreasing to a minimum value. A "critical" water depth, defined as the water depth above which the friction coefficient collapses significantly, is determined from surface texture on critical water depth is discussed. observed friction-water depth curves. Influence of test speed and road