This paper discusses the validity of the urban interface dichotomy in the urban planning and scientific literature by means of a new approach and proposes a new model. Although the concept of “Urban Interface” (UI) is discussed widely in the context of urban-rural and/or natural-artificial environment, UI has been used in the computer and communication disciplines, as well as in economy, geography, regional planning, city planning and architecture. UI has also been used in relation to electronic traffic control systems in urban transportation. UI between buildings and city is a relatively new issue in the literature. UI is defined with variant paradigms since the phenomenon is uncertain. This article reports on the use of fuzzy logic to create a kind of expert system for evaluating architectural elements in the context of UI. Fuzzy is the mathematical models of verbal expression on the area of specialization. This study is useful because this study shows a way to transform non-intuitive and precise concepts to the measurable and accurate results into a model. In order to create a model, the definition of UI in literature is evaluated and according to this evaluation a definition in terms of architecture is determined. The model of this new definition is created with using fuzzy logic using the Fuzzy Tec software. The predictions and experiences of a designer are represented in the model, which has been designed to behave like an expert person. Therefore, it has been shown that the definition of “expert system” can be added to architectural software. Lastly, a model that can give a fuzzy logic system for determining the quality of Urban Interface with sixteen parameters has been presented to the scientific field.