The Internet-of-Things (IoT) is today one of the hypes in the technological world but despite the enormous attention and research investment, the clear business value is still hard to perceive. IoT deployments are costly to be installed, managed and maintained, and need to provide a very clear value to justify the investments. For another viewpoint, IoT technologies need to be proven before deployment, which implies the need to test and assess IoT solutions in real settings and involve the actual target users. And as such, this presents an opportunity to have IoT deployments with a clear business model mainly focused on real-life large-scale research and technological experimentation. This would mean having a sustainable IoT infrastructure in-place based on the provision of experimentation services and a trial environment to industry and research, which then could also present an opportunity to establish added-value (business) services. This is the exact idea of the flagship SmartSantander testbed facility and especially its major deployment in the city of Santander, Spain. The SmartSantander facility business model is built around experimentally-driven research and technology development thus attracting many experimenters from industry and European research projects. This model makes it possible to sustain an outstanding large-scale IoT deployment of around 12,000 sensors and on top of it the development of new the development of new services and applications especially targeting the needs of users (citizens, businesses, authorities) in smart-cities. This paper studies the business model of outstanding SmartSantander facility in order to provide a generic Business Model for IoT testbeds that can provide guidance and be adapted by owners (or owners to-be) wishing to exploit their IoT deployments as facilities supporting experimentation and trials of IoT solutions.