Presently, there are mainly two problems that prevent Electric Vehicles (EVs) from becoming popular against the Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEVs), namely: short range and too long to recharge the battery pack of the EV. Due to this, battery development is a crucial aspect to improve the performance of EVs. This progress requires dependable computer aided designs to model the characteristics of a battery accurately and reliably. This paper uses Power Systems Computer Aided Design (PSCAD) to create an equivalent runtime circuit model to observe the qualities of the Lithium Iron Phosphate battery cell under discharge at different temperatures. The model is a 3-R-C branch runtime equivalent circuit model. In order to find the fixed parameters of the circuit, MATLAB was used to implement basic current voltage characteristics. 3-D tables have been used in PSCAD to implement the State of Charge (SOC) and temperature dependent circuit parameters of the model. Once the simulations for all temperatures were completed, the average marginal error between measured and simulated terminal voltage came to be 2.1%, therefore making PSCAD an accurate simulation tool for modeling equivalent circuits of different batteries.