after implementation of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project which has attracted worldwide attentions, new surface water sources would be added and, accordingly,mining of groundwater for industrial and living water would be reduced to ease the mining pressure of the underground water and abate the decline of the water level in the depression centers of Shijiazhuang and the whole intake area. Numerical model was established in this paper to respectively calculate the underground water level in 2020 based on three schemes including mining status of underground water, urban water resource planning of South-toNorth water diversion in Shijiazhuang and Hutuo River infiltration with artificial regulation and storage. It is estimated that after implementation of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the buried depth of groundwater of depression centers in Shijiazhuang in 2020 will increase by 28.5~41.09 m comparing with that without water supply through South-to-North water diversion.