Measurements of gaseous SO2, NO, NO2, H2S, O3, NH3 and VOCs, in Kuwait city using IVL passive sampler technology, were obtained on monthly basis during the period from March 2011 to February 2012 at 10 locations. The results of this study reveal that those compounds had low concentrations compared to Kuwait Environment Public Authority standards for residential areas. It is found that nitrogen oxides, benzene and xylene were mostly emitted from motor vehicles;in contrast, industrial sources including oil industries were a major contributor to sulfur dioxide and toluene pollution. Higher concentrations of NOx and SO2?were recorded during winter season where the inversion layer is quite pronounced thus trapping more pollutants in ambient air, while higher O3 values were recorded in summer period;the hot season in Kuwait. The spatial distributions of the measured gaseous air pollutants were extremely consistent with the influence of the prevailing wind direction NW. In general and except for PM10, the yearly average air quality indices (AQI) of SO2, NO2, CO and O3?concentrations are coming under the category of “good” and “moderate”.