The 13C(, n)16O reaction is the key neutron source reaction for the main s-process nucleosynthesis[1]. Theimportant energy range (Gamow window) for the 13C( , n)16O reaction during the s-process spans from 140 to230 keV in the center of mass frame. Because of the Coulomb barrier, the cross sections drop exponentially asmeasurement approaches the Gamow window energies. Limited by cosmic ray background and the available beamintensity, the ground-based measurements are limited to energies above 280 keV. Therefore, the extrapolationbased on R-matrix calculation and/or in-direct measurement is the current method to estimate the cross sectionsfor astrophysical interest with limited precision. Moreover, due to the existence of sub-threshold resonances, thereare rather large uncertainties associated with the extrapolated cross sections which limit the precision of the currentreaction rate and thus prevent us from a complete understanding of the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements.