60Fe is a long-lived nucleus (T1=2=2.62×106 a) which is mainly synthesized in the Carbon-shell burning ofmassive stars. It still could be observed nowadays after being ejected to the space after massive star ends its life assupernova. Along with another long-lived nucleus 26Al (T1=2=7.17×105 a) which is synthesized in the similar stars,the observation of their decay could provide the information of stellar evolution. From 2002-2005 the INTEGRALsatellite with detector obtained 60Fe/26Al flux ratio in our Galaxy to be 0.148(60)[1]. It's significantly smallerthan the theoretical prediction 0.45[2], and indicated that the theory need to be improved to increase the 60Fe yieldor decrease 26Al yield. 60Fe is produced by neutron capture reactions: 58Fe(n, )59Fe and 59Fe(n, )60Fe. Thecompetition between -decay of 59Fe and its neutron capture plays an important role in 60Fe synthesis path. In thepresent work, the impact on the 60Fe synthesis of the -decay process in stellar environment is studied.