Proton resonant states in 18Ne have been investigated by the resonant scattering of 17F+p with a 17F beambombarding a thick H2 gas target. Several resonances have been observed. In particular, the astrophysically crucialstate 6.15 MeV was observed as a spin-parity assignment of 1?? with high statistics. The groove-like structureobserved in this work is completely different with previous peak one[1]. The confirmation of 1?? on a firm groundclarified this significant discrepancy. In addition, a new state was observed at Ex = 6.85 MeV with a tentativespin assignment of 0, which could be the mirror state of 6.88 MeV, 0?? in 18O, or a bandhead state (0+) of thesix-particle four-hole (6p-4h) band[2,3]. The resonant parameters have been determined by an R-matrix analysis ofthe excitation functions.