The study of exotic decay modes of nuclei near the proton drip line is pivotal for nuclear-structure physics inunderstanding the role of isospin impurity in the states of outermost imbalance of the proton and neutron numberswith respect to stable nuclei. In recent years, advancements in experimental technique permit us to reveal thestructure of these nuclei by researching -delayed one- and two-proton radioactivity[1]. The -delayed three-protondecay had even been discovered, see Ref. [2]. The mechanism of a -delayed decay involves rst a decay, withthe highest probability for a superallowed decay to the isobaric analogue state (IAS), followed by a proton ormulti-particle emission. This second-stage proton (or multi-particle) emission from the high-lying IAS is isospin-forbidden, while decay from Gamow-Teller populated states may proceed according to the isospin-symmetry limit.A precisely measured exotic decay scheme and branching ratios (BRs) for an isospin-forbidden and/or allowedparticle emission provide a stringent test and constraint for a microscopic approach that takes into account ofisospin non-conservation (INC) consistently in all considered physics processes, i.e., decay, proton emission andelectromagnetic de-excitation.