Gifted special education experiences a broader development. Differentiated centers, such as German Federal School for Highly Gifted, the Gifted Hong Kong School, Davidson Academy, Mexican School for Gifted Students, and Talent Attention Center, are an evidence of gifted education development. Academic and psychological results of these centers are well documented. It is not known which non-quantitative factors of differentiated education are the causes of better academic and psychological results in comparison with average education. The study was performed with 27 people, consisting of 15 gifted students (aged 4-15) from 10 countries who take classes at one of the Mexican Alliance for Giftedness schools, l0 professors or teachers of the gifted, and two directors of these institutions. The research was qualitative, using interviews and field observation for obtaining data regarding educational and psychological activities within gifted instruction. Social and psychological factors that characterize differentiated programs for the gifted were found in this study. Teachers in gifted education field have active roles in the education of gifted students becoming educational leaders. Professors showed educational strategies and worked differently from average. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect differentiated education results were also found, such as professor-student empathy and psychological-social strategies. In addition, the results unveiled the true gifted student academic experience in differentiated education, characterized by intensive academic schedules with regular breaks for socialization, exercise, and arts classes. Furthermore, this study undermined the myths about gifted special education as it showed holistically the non-quantitative factors contributing to its success.