Solitary intraparotid facial nerve plexiform neurofibromas are extremely rare. These tumors arise from Schwann cells. The plexiform variant is recognized by tortuous and multinodular gross and microscopic lesions. It has a high risk of malignant transformation. We report a case of a solitary plexiform neurofibroma in a 5-year-old Italian male, who initially presented a right parotid mass of four-month duration. He had not pain, trismus, facial weakness or previous trauma. There was not familiar history of Von Recklinghausen’s disease. TC and MRI scans revealed a mass in the superficial lobe of the parotid gland. A partial parotidectomy was performed. Histopatological examination indicated plexiform neurofibroma. The incidence, presentation, diagnosis and surgical treatment of this lesion are discussed. In our case, the tumor could be readily separated from the main trunk, and facial movement was completely preserved owing to the rich neural network around the mass.